Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What students do exactly at The Foundry by Silvia Baldin

Candidates enter the Foundry on a voluntary basis and do not pay for the training they receive in the Foundry. Though the Foundry values candidates with certain profiles, all candidates are at the same level when entering the Foundry. Team leaders step up to taking the lead and will need to prove and show their ability to lead, recruit and attract customers and capital. Not all candidates will make it through the Foundry (into a successful project) as not every candidate will manage to reinvent himself to Enhanced Communications. Other options are available to those candidates.

The management team includes a director to oversee the day to day operations, an IP/Patent specialist to manage intellectual property within the Foundry projects, translators to ensure localization of all documents, a recruitment person, a strategic communications person working in conjunction with our communications agency and assistants and MIS people.

Foundry trainers are not necessarily full time and provide the necessary courses on technical, economic and business material that the team need to understand for their projects.